Salzburg, Austria

Minerals and Overalls

when 26 July 2020 - 22 August 2020
language English
duration 4 weeks
fee EUR 1240

This course is part of the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts's 2020 programme.

Course leader

Cäcilia Brown, Anna Hofbauer and Mikkel Holm Torp

Target group

open to anyone interested in fine arts

Course aim

Opposed to biological life, minerals are often seen as something dead – yet they interact with us in numerous ways. The Untersberg quarry lies as a cavity in the green Untersberg mountainside, where stone has formed the life of humans for centuries, as humans have engaged with the shaping of stone. It offers ideal conditions for different approaches to the material as well as to the landscape of stone production.

Awareness of the relation of exchange between material and place and place and individuals is explored with stone as a point of departure, understood as an artistic material itself alongside or in relation to other materials and media.

In this course participants and the teaching artists live and work for four weeks directly on site. In the atmosphere of a symposia exchange and individual work progress is valued equally. We will discuss emerging questions on shape, surface, forms of language, expression and intention.

Participants can learn or refine technical skills in the treatment of stone, explore the possibilities and limitations of working in limestone and get to know the light, colour and textural qualities of this specific material.

Helping each other, discussing ideas, maybe developing a collective practice or working individually as well as preparing food and maintaining everyday life in the quarry are common ground – there will be core working hours which can be freely adjusted depending on the project.

Fee info

EUR 1240: regular fee
EUR 920: reduced fee for students


Grant applications can be sent before 1 April.