Utrecht, Netherlands

Global Power and Technology

when 15 July 2024 - 19 July 2024
language English
duration 1 week
credits 1.5 EC
fee EUR 450

Competition in leadership in technology development currently takes place at the global level. As it became clear from the recent legal and policy initiatives in the EU, US and China, it is not only companies that are competing for technological leadership, but also the States. By far the most important role in this technology competition is played by technical standards. Standards are written technical rules that allow technologies to function, foster innovation and technological advancement. Some of the well-known examples of such standards are the Wi-Fi and 5G. Legal, economic and policy aspects around technology standardization are becoming crucial for future legal and policy professionals who want to understand the global technological power dynamics. While this summer school will predominantly focus on the EU, other relevant jurisdictions such as US and China will also be discussed.

The course will consist of a number of interactive lectures, a simulation exercise, and a research visit to a number of institutions. Some knowledge of European law, and in particular competition law, is advisable, but the course can also be followed by those unfamiliar with these disciplines - for more information on this, please contact the course director.

Course leader

Olia Kanevskaia

Target group

This course targets (advanced) master students with a basic knowledge and understanding of competition law, and professionals of different disciplines, including engineering and management, who have experienced working with standards.

Bachelor students and other professionals may also apply for the course - please contact the course director in case of doubt.

Course aim

The course aims to equip students with the knowledge on technical standardization, focusing on different legal and policy aspects that pertain these industry rules. The course will be beneficial for those wanting to get a deeper knowledge and understanding in the areas of competition law, administrative law and intellectual property law, in particular utility patents. This course will also be beneficial for professionals who have been working with standards in the high tech sector and are willing to understand the variety of legal aspects around standardization.

Fee info

EUR 450: Course fee: €450.00
Included: Course + course materials
Housing fee: €250
Housing provider: Utrecht Summer School
For a bundled option with summer course ‘Ins-and-outs of market competition in the EU’, the price is € 750.

Register for this course
on course website