San Gemini, Italy

Analysis and Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics

when 29 May 2017 - 23 June 2017
language English
duration 4 weeks
credits 6 EC
fee USD 3900

This course provides an overview of knowledge and skills in the field of analysis and conservation of archaeological ceramics. It offers a rare opportunity for students to be trained in both disciplines by experienced field archaeologists and conservators while working with original archaeological artifacts.

Application deadline is March 15, 2016

Course leader

Dr. Elena Raimondi
Dr. Elena Lorenzetti
Contact information:
(718) 768-3508

Target group

Students of the following subjects would find this program useful: archaeology, anthropology, art history, art restoration, field history, management of cultural heritage, museum studies, classical studies and history of technology.

Course aim

This program aims to give basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of analysis and conservation of archaeological ceramics.

Credits info

6 EC
SGPS was originally part of the university program at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee for many years and became an independent study program in 2010.
In the past five years, many of our students have successfully arranged to get independent study credit through their universities. We can furnish your professor and university with any information they require about our course in order to approve it as an independent course, or any other form of accreditation that you are considering. The number of units listed on our website, e.g. 6 units for Programs A, B, D and E, and 1 unit for the Intersession Field Trip, is the equivalent credit level at which students were credited when SGPS was part of a university and what we recommend for independent study credit in 2016.
We can also provide certification that you participated in the course and completed all the class work and field experience. This would be a good addition to your resume if applying for further education or a job in restoration.

Fee info

USD 3900: Fee includes academic costs for the equivalent of 6 units, accommodations, application fee, transportation during academic field trips within Italy that are part of that course, materials and tools, buffet reception, welcome packet, and final dinner. Fee excludes travel to San Gemini, food and insurance.


Applicants should look for financial aid opportunities with their home university.