Berlin, Germany

Europe, Migration, Refugees

when 3 January 2023 - 26 January 2023
language English
duration 4 weeks
credits 5 EC
fee EUR 1300

In the last decade, EU experienced unprecedented migration movements. EU’s response has been shaped by distinguishing between “deserving refugees” and “undeserving economic migrants” and has oscillated between humanitarian and securitarian approaches. Whereas the recent developments on the EU borders such as pushbacks, the containment of migrants in the hotspots signalize the abandonment of humanitarian approach, the quick and less bureaucratic protection of Ukrainian refugees demonstrates more of a selective humanitarian approach.

As the visibility of migration increases in various ways, certain migrants are often represented and imagined as a homogenous mass of ‘the other’. This leads to a problematic understanding of migration as something to be controlled and governed from a top-down perspective alone. But the respective processes of negotiation on migration policy, within and across the outer borders of the Union, take place not only between the official institutions of nation-states, but on all scales of European populations. They also take place from a bottom-up perspective in the centers and at the margins of societies alike.

Departing from diverse theories of migration, we will gain an overview of EU-level migration polity and recent migration- and border-management policies. We will analyze the conflicts, debates and discourses around the last years of increased immigration.

Scaling down, we will engage with the local authorities’ perspective in Berlin. Diving deeper down we will start to change perspective: How do local activists develop and implement their own ways of welcoming migrants? Where do migrants work and how are they represented in trade unions? Finally, focusing on the history of migrant struggles in Berlin, we will encounter migrants’ viewpoints, which reach beyond the usual framings of migrants as ‘passive victim’ or as a threat. We will encounter viewpoints on the conflicts, compromises, resistances, solidarity and social transformation shaped by recent migration movements to Europe.

Don’t miss out: students who register by November 8 can take advantage of the early bird discount on the program fee!

Course leader

Duygu Gürsel

Credits info

5 EC
ECTS credits

Fee info

EUR 1300: Course Fee
EUR 300: Program Fee (250 with early bird discount)