Elisava Summer School

Past courses

Tattoo: Skin Illustration

Stands Design

Visual Merchandising & Window Dressing

TypeJuly - Mark van Wageningen (Novo Typo)

Sustainable Materials for Design

Introduction to Users' Experience Design

Presentation and Sale of Creative Projects. From the Office to the Stage

TypeJuly - Manuel Krebs (Norm)

Design for Additive Manufacturing

Lighting Design

Interior Spaces

Furniture and Context. Furniture Design

Storytelling: Project Philosophy and Personal Branding

TypeJuly - Cyrus Highsmith (Occupant Fonts)

Packaging as a Weapon of Mass Seduction

Advanced Creativity: Disruption and Originality

Editorial Design


The Tools of a Graphic Designer. Create, Retouch and Present with Suite Adobe

Creation and Rendering on Objects and Spaces